The Lord’s Supper For You - Prince of Peace Lutheran Church
Prince of Peace Lutheran Church is an LCMS church preaching Christ crucified for sinners. Located a half mile north of Disneyland at 1421 W. Ball Road in Anaheim, CA.
LCMS Lutheran Church, Prince of Peace Lutheran, Anaheim, Orange County
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The Lord’s Supper For You

Matthew 26:27–28 – “…Drink of it, all of you, for this is my blood of the covenant, which is poured out for many for the forgiveness of sins.”

What do you see? A piece of bread, maybe a wafer? A little wine? What do you hear? “This is my body…this is my blood.” Words spoken through an ordinary voice giving you ordinary bread and wine. Then comes those words, “for the forgiveness of sins.” How can this be? How can eating this bread and drinking this wine do such great things, like forgiving me of my sins? 

Those words spoken into your ears over the bread and wine are not just any words, they are Jesus’ words. The words of Jesus do just what they say. Luther writes in the Large Catechism, “What Christ’s lips say and speak, so it is” (LC V 14). Thank God for faithful pastors who simply speak Jesus’ words for you. Thank God for pastors who faithfully give you what Jesus has won for you through the shedding of his blood. Jesus knows what we need, and he continues to provide. He gives us his church; he gives us pastors; he gives us his Word, and that Word gives what it promises. 

Our Lord knows us better than we know ourselves. He knows we struggle. He knows we are weak in faith, and that our faith is always under attack. He knows we are prone to doubt his love and forgiveness for us, especially when we are aware of our shortcomings, our giving into sin. So Jesus continues to speak the words we need to hear. He continues to give and strengthen your faith in who he is and what he has done for you. And the faith Jesus gives believes and clings onto his words of promise for you.  Jesus gathers you to himself and feeds you the fruits of his cross through ordinary bread and wine. His Word does just what it says. “Whoever believes these words has exactly what they say: ‘forgiveness of sins’” (SC Lord’s Supper 3).

What do you see? Don’t trust your eyes but trust your ears. What do you hear? Jesus’ words of forgiveness, life, and salvation delivered right into your mouth. The Lord’s Supper is truly Jesus for you! In the Name + of Jesus. Amen.

Is this for me? I am forgiven and set free! I do believe that I receive His very body and His blood. O taste and see—the Lord is good. (LSB 629:5)

-Pastor Darrin Sheek

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